This elegant app provides you with current news from all important sources, in various categories, shown as brief summaries, available as full article, and always clear and clean... just SIMPLY!
Simply continuously processes large numbers of current news articles – more than 100.000 per month for just one country! It classifies them, and suggests the most relevant to you. Simply is your fastest way to be always fully informed... just SIMPLY!
Each article gets summarized on one page. It will take you only a few seconds to find out: What is it about? Do I want to read on? Simply informs the way you need it. Either short and to the point. Or detailed and comprehensive...just SIMPLY!
A short swipe gets you all there is – the complete article. Articles from Simply partners are optimized for best readability. Otherwise, Simply links to the original article on the publishers website. Simply makes reading on mobile devices enjoyable... just SIMPLY!
Relevant news from the world. Special information about your region as well. Just enter your city or county. Or define your own topics to get related current news. Tap once, search a topic, and go...just SIMPLY!
In case you don’t have an Internet connection – Simply keeps the latest news for you in store. Airplane, mountain biking, subway, bad connectivity. Still always informed... just SIMPLY!
Simply is a mobile app. Thus, you use gestures. Nothing else. Simply is a news app. Thus, it you see news content. Nothing else. You get what you need...just SIMPLY!